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Professional Membership That Makes a Difference

Your PADI® membership encompasses a community recognized globally as the largest, most diverse, resilient, and innovative group of 6,600 retail and resort operators, and 128,000 like-minded professionals in 186 countries. PADI Members are:

Transforming lives
Leading adventures and explorations
Supporting diving’s deeper purpose for the betterment of people and the planet.

A Framework for Good

As a PADI Member, you support the PADI Pillars of Change for Ocean Conservation, Industry Sustainability, and People and Humanity. PADI gives you a Blueprint for Ocean Action that helps you lead divers to plug into meaningful conservation action, steward the vision, and be a catalyst to drive positive change. Your membership not only opens doors to adventure and exploration, but also includes tools to help divers:

Restore reefs – by supporting coral reef restoration efforts.
Protect vulnerable species – like nesting sites, endangered sharks, rays, and seahorses.
Clean-up our oceans – by supporting marine debris removal initiatives worldwide.
Combat climate change – by supporting initiatives on kelp restoration projects and biological monitoring programs to protect seagrass and coral reef habitats.
Educate the next generation – by lifting communities to care for and respect the ocean, teaching conservation PADI AWARE courses, and making diving accessible to all.

A Mission Hub for Change

PADI dive centers and resorts are at the center of PADI’s global torchbearer movement to attract divers who bring sustainable tourism, an amplified voice for the ocean, and underwater eyes to validate progress.

Your membership provides access to leverage actionable programs like:

Adopt the Blue to protect dive sites.
PADI AWARE grants to help fund local and global ocean conservation initiatives.monitoring programs to protect seagrass and coral reef habitats.
PADI Eco Center designations with credible distinction to fulfill sustainability demands by customers to ensure that the cost of their marine adventure goes hand in hand with the protection and restoration of natural resources and the well-being of local communities.

We’ve Only Just Begun

With your fellow PADI Members, you’re on the front lines as protectors of the reefs, driving together towards 30% protection of the underwater world by 2030. PADI Members are training millions of people around the globe to explore the ocean, and now also creating millions of ocean stewards. Your PADI membership is making a difference.

Membership Supporting a Change for Good

For over a decade, PADI has donated 100 percent of the instructor application fees for Dive Against Debris and Shark Conservation Specialties to the PADI AWARE FoundationTM. These donations support the largest underwater marine debris movement on the planet, and the protection of vulnerable shark and ray species. And now, in order to make teaching conservation more accessible than ever, PADI and PADI AWARE Foundation are waiving the all AWARE instructor application fees. This means you can apply for and teach AWARE courses for free to stand-up for the ocean. There is a suggested donation of US$30 (or more) when applying to continue to support the Foundation’s critical efforts. PADI Offices worldwide are also donating a portion of student eLearning fees to the PADI AWARE Foundation to help drive the PADI Blueprint for Ocean Action.

Enroll Today and Save!

If you have yet to renew your PADI Professional membership for 2024, why not take advantage of early renewal savings by renewing before 31 December 2023. And don’t forget – when renewing your membership, click on the “enrol in automatic renewal” box at checkout to save even more. When you’re enrolled in automatic renewal, your PADI membership will be automatically processed in the fourth quarter of each year, so you’ll never risk an accidental lapse in benefits. You’ll also automatically renew at the lowest renewal rate.

Be sure to enrol by early November to take advantage of the savings. If you are already enrolled in automatic renewal, now is a good time to review your payment information on file to ensure everything is up to date and accurate.

We look forward to renewing your membership for 2024 and continuing our journey with you! Thank you for your ongoing membership and loyalty.

The post Professional Membership That Makes a Difference appeared first on PADI Pros.

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