Working with the Maliseet Nation Conservation Council (MNCC), COJO Rescue in New Brunswick has been removing old commercial fishing gear by the ton. Ghost gear and other marine debris are a concern, now more than ever, as there have been many instances of North Atlantic right whales and other marine species becoming entangled (sometimes fatally) in derelict fishing gear. We will work with MNCC, DFO and the Marine Debris Strategic Action Committee to develop safe and effective methods for removing ghost gear from known locations using diving. If you want to know how you can help, contact us here at COJO Diving.
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Every year, an estimated 640,000 tonnes of lost and discarded fishing gear reach the oceans and are a worldwide problem. Lost gear, also known as ghost fishing, will drift through the depths, capturing whatever crosses its way, entangling and destroying ocean life. A coral reef can be smothered by fishing nets and crab pots can continue to trap marine species on the ocean floor. The extent of this issue has been revealed by recent studies. More than 100,000 whales, dolphins, seals and turtles a year are killed and wounded by discarded fishing nets, according to Greenpeace.
Contact CoJo diving to help with this project.
Read More Scuba Features, COJO Diving, Commercial Fishing Gear, Ghost Fishing, ghost gear, Maliseet Nation Conservation Council, Marine Mammals Entangled The Scuba News