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Looking for SSI Professionals

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One of the issues that we repeatedly run into is the lack of SSI Professionals available and willing to work in remote but idyllic resort environments. From the SSI side we are doing what we can to increase the number of Professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills but the shortage remains.


For anyone interested in working at an SSI Training Center on one of the distant islands in the Caribbean, the Pacific and other resort destinations, there are of course considerations beyond your SSI level that need to be taken into consideration. Here are four that could save you a lot of problems:

1. What country are you looking to travel to and work in?

a. If not a citizen, you will likely need a work visa. Keep in mind that shops are small and owners/employers may not have the time to help you get all of the legal details ironed out.

b. You’ll need to speak the language that most of the guests and the shop owner speak.

2. Where will you live?

a. You will need to make sure that this is sorted out to some degree before you go there. The shop where you are going to work will usually provide some degree of support in this respect.

b. You will need to bring or have access to money since income will take a few weeks to start. You should be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least a couple of weeks.

3. How will you get around?

a. Determine beforehand what your travel needs will be while on the island. If you live 10 kilometers from the Training Center will you need a vehicle or is there local public transportation?

b. In some cases you may live within walking distance of the Training Center and not really need a vehicle at all.

4. What will you be doing?

a. Most shops not only handle diving excursions and training, they also have a retail and sales aspect so you will need some retail knowledge or ideally experience. This depends on the job you are being hired for.

b. Make sure that you understand exactly what your task will be. Will you be going out on a boat on a regular basis or expected to sell gear or maintain equipment.

You may notice that these are pretty much the same considerations one would have for any potential new job.


In addition to the above, make sure that you are doing the following:

1. Clearly identifying your shop as an SSI Training Center everywhere that it might show up, be that Facebook, Instagram, or just your own website.

2. As far as possible give potential employees some idea of what they can expect to earn as early in the process as possible.

a. What other benefits might the individual have if they come to work for you?

b. Are there any benefits unique to your location that might not be available elsewhere?

c. If seasonal employment is intended, make that clear.

3. Make it clear what you already have as far as staff, equipment and facilities.

a. What do you hope to gain with the additional of an employee or two.

b. How will the “newbie” fit into the current situation/team?

4. What cost of living difference might the new arrival expect?

a. A list with the cost for local food items in local currency could be useful.

5. What other expectations do you have?

The fewer surprises there are for the Professionals and Training Centers, the higher are your chances that the new relationship will be a success.

Check out the Job Offers on our website.

The post Looking for SSI Professionals appeared first on Dive SSI.

Read MoreDiving, Special, considerations, professionals, pros, SSI, ssi professionalsDive SSI


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